Thursday 16 October 2008

Proposal Form

1) Why have you chosen this brief?

I have chosen this brief because I believe it is what will appeal to my target audience.

2) Briefly Identify the core audience profile you are planning to target.

I am targeting sixth formers, people aged 16-18 who are in sixth form education, these people are likely to have large amounts of disposable income as they have little to no bills to pay.

3) What is your working title for the magazine?

‘Perfect Form’ is my working title for the magazine, I chose this as I think it is a name my target audience will be able to find humorous but appropriate.

4) Describe the general idea behind your magazine?

The idea behind my magazine is to appeal to sixth formers of all styles, the magazine will have something for everyone no matter what music they like, how they dress or how they see school. ‘Perfect Form’ blurs the lines between stereo types.

5) Describe the lifestyle this magazine will promote?

The magazine will promote a varied lifestyle, enjoying different things in life and the idea that you do not necessarily have to stick to one bracket, for example you do not have to dress a certain way because of the music you listen to.

6) How are you planning to style the cover?

The cover will be simple, with only a few articles advertised on it, one large image with a large title, it will have one colour minus the main image with articles within shown in a banner at the bottom.

7) Describe your cover shot, including actor.

The cover shot is of steven wager looking confident, this along with the title ‘perfect form’ shows confidence in himself and by being on the front cover shows confidence in the product.

8) Identify examples of magazine content.

Articles on interviews with students and teachers, articles about recent school events. Also articles on non school related topics e.g. music festivals and recent film releases.

9) Identify examples of language you will use on the cover.

I don’t plan to use much text on the cover but any text will be short and sweet and not drawn out, short selling lines would be what I would use, rhetorical questions that lead you to open the magazine to find out the answer are also a possibility.

10) How does it offer an alternative to magazines currently on the market for this audience?

It features non related school topics and is not always trying to show the school in a good light, it isn’t constantly trying to make the school look good. That’s not the say it is against the school and trying to tar its reputation but it will not be exaggerating good features and it will point out faults and problems within the school.

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