Thursday 16 October 2008

Magazine Analysis

I am analysing the front cover of the October edition of ‘fourfourtwo’.

The masthead is at the top of the page and is in red, it is clear to read but is partially covered by the primary image and selling line. The selling line is written across the first ‘Four’ in the masthead and reads ‘The Ultimate Football Magazine’; this would obviously appeal to people who are interested in football.
The Primary image is an image of David Beckham in his LA Galaxy kit doing keep ups, his head partially covers the O in the second Four of the masthead. David Beckham is obviously iconic not just In football but to anyone who watches TV or reads newspapers. The magazine having David Beckham on the front cover obviously means they are a successful magazine or else they would not be able to afford to pay David Beckham to be on the front of their magazine.
There is only 1 secondary image and it is in the top right corner, it shows a boat out at sea. The primary text is obvious as it is the biggest text on the page apart from the masthead, it reads ‘Beckham, captain galaxy invites us inside the velvet rope to talk world cup 2010’ .The word BECKHAM is in capitals and is the largest text, this confirms who the image is of encase you did not recognise him instantly.
The secondary texts are all around the edges of the page, 4 on the right hand side and 3 on the left hand side, mentioning interviews and articles within the magazine. The target audience is not age specific but is aimed at football fans, it is safe to assume this is mainly men and the magazine is not aimed at women. A football magazine in England is appealing to the masses.

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